Lead Line & RWD Walk Only: This is now a combined division. Lead line age 8 & under; RWD all ages assisted/non-assisted; horse or pony; eligible for lead line & RWD Walk Only classes only; Classes will show at the walk only.
Walk/Trot 13 & under: age 13 & under; horse or pony; rider not eligible for canter classes; eligible for W/T 13 & under classes only (based on rider’s ability, not horse see rule 26).
W/T 14 & up: age 14 & up; horse or pony rider not eligible for canter classes; eligible for W/T 14 & up classes only (based on rider’s ability not horse, see rule 26).
Pony: all ages; max pony height 14.2HH/58” with or without shoes; Division membership point eligible for Pony classes only.
Junior 13 & under: age 13 & under; horse only; eligible for Junior classes only.
Senior 14-18: age 14-18; horse only; eligible for Senior classes only.
Adult 19 & over: age 19 & over; horse or pony; eligible for Adult classes only.
Non-stock Horse: horse, draft, mini, or pony; breeds other than stock horse type.
Ranch Horse: all ages; horse or pony; not eligible for any other Western Pleasure classes.
RWD Walk/Trot Assisted/ Non-assisted: all ages; rider not eligible for canter classes.
Questions can be directed to any HHYEC Board Member or contact Myndi Dawes at 419-346-7195 / Myndi@newshorsemedia.com